Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Ok, here's Lithium's suggested plan of attack. Code with the big guys
in no time flat by following our easy 10 step program. :)
1. Get a BOOK! Something with all the DOS interrupts, BIOS interrupts, and
TASM compiler directives. (It isn't absolutely necessary to have the
TASM directives, but it will be easier)
2. Get TASM! You'll have trouble compiling your code if you use MASM, so do
yourself a favor and get Borland's Turbo Assembler (TASM).
Tip: TASM is the most compatible compiler on the market, it will let you
compile MASM code. Most of the files on this list were created
with TASM 3.2 I believe. If you are having errors, it is likely
that you have an old compiler version. Newer files will be
released using TASM 4.0. Everything should be backwards
compatible, but occassionally they aren't, so just a thought.
3. Snuggle up with that book and read. VLA files often assume you already
have ASM programming experience. They are NOT a substitute for
reading the book, but rather the extra-credit work! :)
4. Take it slow, and COMMENT LIKE HELL! Most new programmers (and some old)
hate commenting with a passion. In ASM, you won't last a month if
you don't at least put the ideas down. Since the code is composed of
a few commands, it is criptic at best to read your old code, much
much worse to read someone elses, so do yourself and everyone else a
favor and be a good little boy. COMMENT LIKE HELL!
5. Don't get frustrated, at first it is a struggle to print the traditional
"Hello World!", but pretty soon, it's not that it's multiplies. The
printing is no problem, it's those damn multiplies. Then it's that
stink'n DMA, man if it were only as easy at them multiplies. Learning
ASM is a constant battle, but you really do gain ground as you look
6. Try to fit some programming in everyday. An hour would be great, just
get in the habit. That's how I do it.
7. Online help, as of now, I don't charge for help and the worst your gonna
get is a "Gee, I don't know either". General group questions go to
Specific ASM questions are only being answered by me right now, so
drop me an email
8. Geez, I should have watched Letterman last night.
9. (One of the Top Ten Things Heard In The Ticket Line For Kickboxer 2)
"Hey, I hear there's alot of kickboxing in this one."
10. And the top reason that you will be able to get through this 10 step plan
to learn Intel Assembly Language: You are good enough, you are smart
enough, and dog-gonit! People like you!
Suggested Books:
Using Assembly Language 3rd Edition. Published by Que and written by
Advanced Assembly Langauge. Published by Que and written by Wyatt
Programmer's Guide to the EGA and VGA Cards 2nd Edition. Published by
Addison-Wesley and written by Richard F. Ferraro
Graphics Gems I, ][, and III. Published by Academic Press
One out of one VLA programmers agree, this is the way to go!
And here is a complete listing as of 3/16/94 of the VLA releases. All of
these files should be found on our disro sites, or on the major Internet
demo sites. I have also seen our files grouped into pakages, VLA should be
in the name somewhere.
--- Phantasm File Listing ---
VLA Files #16 <NR>
Filename.Ext Bytes Description
------------ ----- -----------------------------------------------------
3DROTATE.DOC 17664 3D Rotation Tutorial - VLA
3DROTATE.ZIP 35712 How to do 3d Rotations by VLA
3D_MATH .ZIP 11328 3D Shading and Rotaional Math - VLA
ASMVLA00.ZIP 17024 Intro to assembler by VLA
ASMVLA01.ZIP 10880 Explains File I/O in ASM- source for "ANSI viewer"
C101VLA .DOC 6912 Intro to basic "C" programming by VLA
CTUT2VLA.ZIP 11264 C Tutorial #2 - VLA
CTUT3VLA.ZIP 3712 C Tutorial #3 / An explanation of Arrays - VLA
DEFCON .ARJ 91904 DEF CON I Convention Information Update VGA/SBPro
DEFCON .ZIP 91776 Defcon Loader - BY VLA - Conference Information!
:VGA/SB Pro!
DIR_VLA .ZIP 6400 simple directory lister w/ ASM source by VLA
DMA_VLA .ZIP 3200 info on programming DMA ch0-7 includes source -VLA
FPOLY256.ZIP 35200 Some pretty fast MODE-X filling routines..
HSTARS .ZIP 5248 Horizontal star field source
INT9 .ZIP 4736 int9 replacement that'll keep track of all keys press
KEYINT .ZIP 3200 Detects multiple keypresses. In ASM
MODFORM .ZIP 6016 another info file on the format of the .MOD
MODINFO .ZIP 33664 Info on MODs & SB/SBpro
MODPLAY .ZIP 41600 Source to a semi-working MOD player
:Has functional DMA/DSP transfer routines
MODPLAY2.ZIP 5376 Draeden's Mod player..
MX2_VLA .ZIP 6784 An updated and revamped MODEX.INC - VLA
MXFONT .ZIP 7936 Files that'll use BIOS font to print text in MODEX vla
PALROT .ZIP 2688 Demonstration of palette rotation
ROTATE .ZIP 7808 Code for 2d rotations written by Draeden
SEA_CODE.ZIP 33664 The source to VLA's old SEA SICK demo
SINCOS .ZIP 1920 BASIC file that creates a sine/cosine chart
STARS .ZIP 10624 How to do a starfield by VLA
TERM_VLA.ZIP 9216 A quick, ugly terminal program that has ANSI support
:and can upload and download Zmodem if you have GSZ
TESTVID .ZIP 8448 Simple "Test your video speed" program -VLA
TEXTBALL.ZIP 4096 cute little smooth ball that bounces in text mode -VLA
TRI-VLA .ZIP 11520 Triangle filling routine w/ clipping
VERTSCR .ZIP 17024 ASM source for a verticle credits-type scroller :VLA
VIEWTGA .ZIP 12630 ASM TGA viewer
VLA-DIST.TXT 3072 VLA Distribution Site Application
VLA-SEA .ZIP 17408 Seasick Demo by VLA - 2nd Release
VLA1 .EXE 21888 Small VLA Loader
VLAJEDI .ZIP 26240 A start on the star wars scroller thingy ASm source
VLAMODEX.ZIP 8192 info on MODE X
VLAMOUSE.ZIP 4608 ASM mouse tutorial by VLA
VLASNOW .ZIP 56960 The newest from VLA. Christmas demo.
VLA_FONT.ZIP 75136 Font utilities and lotsa scrollers ASM code -VLA
WAVES .ZIP 22400 Does transparent verticle waves in mode 12h -VLA
WCIMIT .ZIP 12800 asm file showing how FC probably did their horizontal
:panning stuff in World Charts...
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41 files 801920 bytes total